
12 Toxic Behaviors That Are Considered Normal (But Aren’t)


The only time that toxic was ever OK was Britney Spears circa 2003. Yet, there are certain behaviors that we’ve started to allow each other to get away with. And it’s not OK anymore.

Regardless of whether you’re on the giving or receiving end of these, the outcomes are rarely, if ever, good. So let’s be better by avoiding them.

Here are twelve examples of toxic behavior that are considered normal, but aren’t. Or at least shouldn’t be.

1 – Insincerity

Insincerity is defined as not expressing or showing true feelings. Think of all the ways this can show up in your life. Whether in your professional life at work, your personal life in your friendships, or romantic relationships.

It may not be intentional, and it could even seem harmless or necessary. But sincerity always prevails. For example, a friend asks you what you think of her new hairstyle. To be honest, it’s hideous.

Should you be insincere to spare her feelings and fawn over how stylish she looks? No. Should you be honest and tell her it’s hideous? Also no. There are ways to be sincere, tactful, and kind all at the same time.

It’s a balancing act that gets easier with practice, but it can, in fact, be attained.

2 – Ghosting

For those of you who are fortunate enough not to have experienced it yourself, ghosting is when someone (usually someone you’re dating) disappears and stops all communication with you unexpectedly. It’s rejection, but without the finality.

You’re basically left wondering without answers, forever. Or until you get over it. It’s become so common that we’ve started to accept it, but in all reality, it’s cowardly. And we owe it to ourselves and each other to be better than that.

So, next time someone sends you thirty texts in a row and you’re just not interested, politely let them know. If you really want to be a decent human, you could even pick up the phone and have an actual conversation with them.

3 – Passing Judgment on Others

Passing judgment is a natural occurrence. When we meet people, we judge them based on what they present to us. We call these first impressions.

The problem is that we can only process what other people have shared with us. We never really know everything that someone else is going through. Let’s say one of your good friends wants to introduce you to another one of their friends.

You meet, and that person doesn’t seem all that great to you. That’s a fair first impression, but what you might not know is that perhaps this person is going through a really tough breakup, and that’s why your mutual friend is trying to encourage them to socialize more. Passing judgment is going to happen.

The important thing is to remain open-minded. Passing judgment too quickly or without the opportunity to learn more could cause you to miss out on some wonderful things in life.

4 – Arrogance

Arrogance is defined as showing an offensive attitude of superiority. It’s NOT cool.

Who wants to hang out with someone who thinks they’re better than you or makes you feel like you’re less than you are?

It’s important to be confident, but not to the point of arrogance. And arrogance is usually a cover for insecurity anyway.

Written by Interesting Psychology Team

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