Those who think that intelligence is not something to be cultivated risk dying really stupid. Intelligence can be cultivated and worked on. Here are ten tips to boost your intellect on a daily basis.
Of course not everyone is capable of being Albert Einstein, but we can all develop our intellectual abilities and “become” smarter. Here are ten easy tips that you can apply in your daily life to get there.
Use your online time wisely
If our main online business is social media, you don’t have to stuff yourself with appalling videos on the background. The net is full of things to learn. Take advantage of your excursions on the web to expand your knowledge or learn new things.
Write down what you learn
Write down the things you learn every day. This helps your brain to remember them. No need to write a novel, 400 words are enough.
Make a checklist of what you have learned
Because intelligence is no stranger to self-confidence and happiness, it makes more sense to make a list of the goals you’ve achieved rather than those that remain out of your reach.
Play Scrabble
Playing board games and puzzles is not just a nice way to furnish rainy afternoons. It can also train your brain. A great classic is still Scrabble, but there are others that you can download to your smartphone like “Ruzzle”.
Surround yourself with smart friends
It may not be the best option for your ego, but surrounding yourself with friends who are smarter than you are is still one of the fastest ways to learn new things. To motivate yourself, know that your IQ is an average of the five people who are closest to you.
Read a lot
Reading a lot is essential. What you read, however, is of little importance. Newspaper, novels, biography: what matters is quantity.
Explain what you have learned
Albert Einstein is said to have said one day “whoever cannot explain something clearly, has not understood it enough”. One way to know if you have understood something you have learned is to explain it to someone else.
Embark on new activities
We never know in advance what could be useful to us and that’s why learning new things is never a waste of time. We don’t see the benefits until years later.
Learn a new language
No need to master Chinese in the blink of an eye. Learning at your own pace and from home is already beneficial for the brain. Many sites offer their service free online.
Take time for yourself
Our brain also needs time to digest what it has learned. That’s why it’s extremely important to take time to immerse yourself in your thoughts.