There are people in life who just seem to have it all. They’re in a happy relationship, surrounded by great people, and living their lives on their own terms. Is it just luck, or is there some secret to happiness?
It’s not luck, and there is no secret. Happiness is tied to our habits, so it is the deliberate choices we make about our thoughts and behaviors that determine whether or not we’ll be happy.
There are, of course, external factors that can affect our happiness, but this post is about the behaviors that might be holding you back, and what happy people do instead.
As you read, think about your own life and whether you’re making choices that bring you joy. Here are 12 things happy people don’t do.
1 – They Don’t Blame Others
How do you react when something doesn’t go as planned? Do you roll with the punches and take it as a lesson learned, or do you look for someone to blame?
Happy people believe they have control over their own lives, so they take responsibility for the good and the bad. If things aren’t going as planned, they do what needs to be done to fix it.
They don’t give up and blame others because there’s really no value in excuses or pointing the finger at someone else.
2 – They Don’t Try to Convince Others to Change
Happy people believe they create their own destiny, and they allow others to do the same whether they agree with the other person’s choices and actions or not. Just because they don’t like something about someone, doesn’t mean they expect that person to change according to their expectations.
They accept others and meet them where they’re at, finding a way to get along or work together harmoniously. If that’s just not possible, they’ll limit their contact with that person because, while they won’t try to change anyone, they won’t allow others to bring them down either.
3 – They Don’t Avoid Their Emotions
Happy people aren’t happy all the time. Rather, they know how to acknowledge negative emotions and then allow themselves to truly feel so that they can release those feelings, instead of letting them fester inside.
After all, you can’t have the good without some bad, right? Whether it’s anger, sadness, or stress, they don’t suppress or avoid it. By dealing with their feelings head-on, they’re less susceptible to things like anger or resentment.
4 – They Don’t Let Their Health Go
There’s been a lot of buzz about self-care recently, and that’s because it is important. The mind and body are intricately intertwined. Knowing this, happy people take care of their physical and mental health.
Rather than having some unrealistic standard of vanity, they focus on eating nutritious food and getting adequate exercise. They include time each day to nourish and energize their bodies by getting enough sleep to ensure that they’re able to tackle whatever the day throws at them.