
How To Be Happy – 12 Things Happy People Don’t Do

 5 – They Don’t Let Work Take Over Their Life

Another recent buzz term is work-life balance. In our world of constant go, go, go, it’s easy to get caught up in the hamster wheel of work. It seems like there’s so much to do with not enough time.

Happy people know when to turn work off because overworking can lead to burnout. Once the day is done, they can put work aside until the next workday. After all, if they’re always working, when would they find time to do all the other stuff that happy people do?

Everyone’s busy, but these folks are sure to make time for relationships no matter how busy work gets.

6 – They Don’t Neglect to Address Things That Bother Them

While happy people don’t try to change others, they also don’t have a problem voicing their opinions when something doesn’t sit right with them.

Getting annoyed with others is natural, whether it’s your coworkers, friends, or partner, but those who hold in their frustrations are less likely to come to a resolution, so they feel miserable inside. And because they haven’t said anything, the other person rarely knows something’s wrong.

7 – They Don’t Weigh All Opinions Equally

Happy people know that some people’s opinions matter more than others. And they don’t waste their time on those that aren’t worthwhile.

If someone they barely know says something critical, they may consider it because they’re always open to feedback, but they won’t let it get them down because they know that the opinions and advice from those they admire are more valuable.

8 – They Don’t Keep Score with Their Friends and Partner

It’s not a great feeling when you do something for someone, only for them to bring up something bigger than they did for you in the past. Happy people don’t keep score in their relationships, whether romantic or platonic. Forget 50-50.

In the best relationships, both individuals give 100%. They’re all in, and because they choose to surround themselves with great people, there’s rarely the opportunity to keep score of who does more.

9 – They Don’t Live Their Life to Please Others

Making decisions based on what other people think is exhausting and unfulfilling. Since happy people have a strong sense of self-worth, they don’t seek the approval of the people around them. While they are receptive to the opinions of others, they don’t let them drive their decisions or determine their value. This can be tough sometimes.

For example, someone might feel pressured by friends to do something unsafe. A happy person wouldn’t give in to peer pressure or hesitate to speak up and say no. They have strong boundaries and values and stick by them. Sometimes happy people’s decisions might disappoint others, but they’re secure in their convictions and trust their instincts.

Written by Interesting Psychology Team

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