Many times power is associated with external things such as large sums of money, status, climbing the corporate ladder, etc. And very often it means controlling other people and forcing them to do something. And many people think that because they don’t have that kind of power, that they’re powerless.
Well, you know already at this point that the power we talk about is from a very different nature. It’s from within. Society, religious and educational systems has many ways to keep people in fear and in the belief they’re powerless, so they buy more and consume more and acquire certain beliefs.
Our society is constructed based on a 3D perspective of looking outside to the external. But living in a state of powerlessness means you give your power away to other people because you don’t realize you’re powerful behind measure, within.
Basically when you do something you don’t want to do, not aligned with your true self or makes you unhappy, you’re giving your power away to other people on what you do, your choices, what you say and hey, even how you feel!
The result of living like this is often a life on unhappiness and frustration, where you literally feel powerless and believe you are at the mercy of what life throws at you. When we give our power away to others is very easy to enter into “victim mode”. You feel like people are mean and unfair to you and that’s just the way it is.
You start to feel resentful of others because you believe they’re not treating you the way you should be treated. In order to align and create the life of your dreams, you need to own your power – completely. There cannot be times where you make your own decisions and feel great about it and then the next day you agree to do something that feels awful to you, just to please someone else. You might think that is very honorable but in truth that is living a lie. If you do that, you’re lying to yourself and you’re lying to someone else. Nothing good can come from here.
What is owning your power
Owning your power means that all decisions about your life are made by you, based on your goals and how you feel. It means internal freedom regardless of the external conditions.
There is no more pleasing others, that’s over. There is no more living lies. They might be true to someone else, but if they’re not true to us, they’re a lie. That doesn’t mean that you cannot compromise on something with another person or do something you know it will make them happy, you surely can, but not at the expense of your own integrity. You do it because you’re happy doing it, not because you’re forced, manipulated or feeling you “have to”. And what happens when you start owning your power is that the Universe will start manifesting people and situations that are aligned with your truth and don’t require that you fake anything.
Relationships will be more genuine and from the heart (not from the ego), you’ll be in situations and experiences that make you feel great and your life will change. I’m telling you right now, you cannot create and manifest the life of your dreams and all you want without owning your power first. You cannot just own your power a little bit in a few things and then go and live a lie in others. Because if you do that, you’re losing momentum, you’re losing alignment and living in contradiction and you feel like there is a war taking place inside you and feel vulnerable.
Even those little things people call “white small lies” where many people tend to believe it’s ok, it’s not. It’s a contradiction to your alignment. There is nothing big or small in the Universe, only vibration.
Please notice that this is a process. I’m not suggesting you’ll go running off and quit your awful job straight away or leave today a relationship that causes you so much unhappiness. You can surely do it if you feel like it, but if you’re not use to owning your power you need to start with the intention first. You need to burn the karmic ties first.
You need to plant the seed today and set the intention of wanting to live your life completely owning your power. And believe me, when you do set this intention coming from your soul, the Universe immediately puts the wheels on motion to help you and make it happen.
Owning your power is also about starting to react differently and choosing different responses to the same events. Now from an internal place of truth. All those people, all those situations that you accepted and made you feel bad they were basically a mirror to you. You maybe thought at the time you needed to “suck it up” and do what you don’t want or please them, but in reality they were merely showing you what you needed to work on yourself, nothing more.
All the feelings of being angry, resentful, frustrated, etc, they were just wake-up calls from life for you to wake up to your own power! Many people focus on the external: they did this to me, they did that. This is completely giving your power away to others, they’re basically living rent free in your mind. I’m not saying that you didn’t have (or are having) awful experiences or were treated badly by others, but all that happened because you were open for it to happen, you needed those experiences to grow.
Most people stay in that “victim mode” all their life pointing fingers at others and never looking inside. But you know better now. This is always about you, not about the others. The others are having their own experiences of growing, believe me. And when you say no to something you don’t want or makes you feel bad, you’re also being a mirror to others. You’re also showing them it is possible and SAFE to own your power.
You might think at this point “I’m going to piss a few people if I do that”, and you know what, that’s not your responsibility. How they react to you owing your power has nothing to do with you. So, don’t sell your own integrity for the price of a temporary reaction that has nothing to do with you. You don’t need to be aggressive or bad to other people to own your power. Actually, when you own your power you’ll start feeling inner peace because the war inside you ends. You can then tell your truth to yourself and others in a respectable and calm way without having to explain yourself.
Actually, when you own your power, you realize that everyone else has their inner power too. Everyone is powerful being measure. If other people don’t want to connect and access their own power, is their choice. Your will to own your power and live from your truth needs to be the priority at all times! So, this type of internal power is not about controlling others or status or whatever, but about living from your truth and creating the life of your dreams regardless of what others might tell you. You’re the captain of your destiny.
You have the power to choose to feel good at all times! So this programme is here to help you do that. This is how I coach all my clients, I’m basically just the channel that allows the messages coming and telling you what you’re ready to hear. It is then through your own power that you’ll make the changes you need.
I must say I absolutely love doing what I do, because when I look at people I see not just what they show but their true potential, all the gifts they have locked inside themselves ready to come out and be shared with the world. This is truly beautiful.
Only when you own your power and live from your truth can you share your unique gifts with the world and live your life purpose, manifesting an amazing life!