
Your Power Comes From Your Emotions

Tell Your Future With This Personality Test

We have been talking a lot about inner power.

That you have inside yourself all the power you need to create the life of your dreams and manifest all you want.

But, how to connect with your inner power at all times? Simple: through your emotions.

What you feel is your internal guiding system for you to stay on your true path. All your emotions are guiding you: the good and the bad.

Your emotions are your physical response to your vibrational frequency. They’re also the physical manifestation of your intuition.

In order to manifest what you want, you need to stay in alignment, and being in alignment means being in a higher vibration of FEELING GOOD – about your life at the present moment, about who you are now and then the external world too: the people you relate to and the things you do on a daily basis – the big and the small things.

So, you need to play close attention at all times to how you feel. And you want to choose the things that make you feel good – because those are the ones that are aligned with the amazing life you want.

When you do that, there’s no contradiction in your vibration! All is flowing and it feels amazing!

On the other hand, if something makes you feel bad, it’s because it is a lie. It might be true to someone else, but it is a lie to your true self. It is not aligned with who you are at the soul level.

And the reason why we do have so many experiences in our life that makes us feel bad is to provide us the contrast to who we really are. In other words, to find our true selves.

That’s why we live in a planet of duality. And until we wake up and listen and value how we feel, life will continue to throw those experiences at us.

Many people don’t value what they feel because when they have acquired belief systems that tell them they need to β€œsuck it up” in relation to what makes them cringe and feel bad.

We live in a society that looks for external validation and academic and business achievements, and few of us learn to listen and value how we feel when we’re young – to value our emotions. Many people learn in fact the opposite – to ignore them.

So that makes many people stay in jobs they hate, in relationships that are more dead than the Dead Sea, or doing things they don’t really want to do.

And this is not just with the β€œbig” things, but the β€œsmall” things too.

For example, if you wish to manifest more money to buy beautiful things and taking care of yourself, but you’re drinking your coffee from a broken cup and feeling bad about it, you’re not in alignment with the money to buy beautiful things and taking care of yourself.

Many people think it is β€œnormal” to live your life accepting feeling bad about people or situations.

It is not. Feeling bad is nothing but a wake-up call for alignment. Is your soul calling you.

Give yourself permission to feel good!

So, if something makes you jump with joy like a bunny in a field of dafodils, then you know you’re on the right path. That’s how it is supposed for life to feel!

Your emotions will guide you in staying in a higher vibration and in your inner power. Because at all times you have the right to say: β€œI don’t want this because it makes me feel bad”.

When you love yourself and when you HONOUR how you feel, the only thing that matters to you is living in integrity.

This means saying no to what it is not aligned with your path and saying a MASSIVE YES to what is.

Your emotions connect you to your inner power – at all times! They’re always available to guide you.

No more ignoring our emotions like in the past, feeling we must have some kind of problem because we feel bad or because we don’t feel like we’re β€œsupposed” to feel. That kind of 3D social conditioning is gone… forever!

As a powerful awaken and conscious spiritual being, you respect yourself and everything you feel.

Let your emotions guide you into the light and give yourself permission to FEEL GOOD!

Exercise for today

Be very conscious at all times of how you feel in regards to everything. Listening to your emotions is like training a muscle. The more you do, the stronger it gets.

If something feels off, own your power and walk away or just say no. If something feels good, great, enjoy it!

Written by Interesting Psychology Team

Im creative but I own though and writing different in the world so i am unique

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