
7 Subtle Signs of Burnout You Should Never Ignore

5 – You Don’t Seem To Care As Much Anymore


Burnout is typically associated with our professional lives, but no one is immune. You could be a high school student who’s taking a full load of classes, playing sports, and doing volunteer work to beef up your college applications. Or you could be a stay-at-home parent with too many kids and not enough time.

Burnout can happen to anyone if you work hard enough.Literally.Regardless of where you’re putting your effort, you might start to notice that you just don’t seem to care as much. In the work context, this could manifest in tardiness, repeated absences, and poor performance.

Tread carefully at work because your employer could mistake these behaviors for a lack of concern, or that you’re thinking of moving on, when really, you’ve just been pushing beyond your limits. A temporary break could be just what you need to reignite your passion.

6 – Everybody Is On Your Bad Side

When you’re burnt out, you’re not the only one who feels the effects. Your relationships can start to suffer as well. You may find yourself neglecting your partner or starting arguments with friends and family when you’re usually really easy-going.

Your behavior could be the result of being short-tempered or lacking sleep like previously mentioned, or you could be projecting your own exhaustion onto others. Either way, you can do some serious damage to important relationships in your life if you continue to ignore the signs of burnout.

7 – Your Appetite Is As Low As Your Self-Esteem

Food is one of life’s greatest pleasures, but if you’re working hard and running off coffee and energy drinks, it’s no wonder that you have no appetite. Nutrition is just as important as sleep, and we’ve already talked about how your body’s reactions to burnout may seem counterintuitive.

No matter how tired you are, you just can’t get any rest. Similarly, even though you know you need to feed your body, everything just seems unappetizing. Just like the lack of interest in your responsibilities and relationships, you can no longer truly connect with your appetite or get any enjoyment from food.

That’s because your body is using the little energy it has left, just to stay afloat. Your body’s natural balance has been disrupted, and you’ve got to address the root cause before you can expect to feel any better.

The Take Note

At the end of the day, you can’t do much for others if you’re falling apart yourself. So it’s important to acknowledge that you, just like everyone else, have a limit. Your body will attempt to tell you that you’re approaching that limit, and it’s up to you to take notice.

If you can relate to these subtle signs of burnout, consider taking a break, going on vacation, or taking a step back to allow your batteries to recharge.

Written by Interesting Psychology Team

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