
7 Traits Of A Dark Empath – The Most Dangerous Personality Type

 6 – Good At Guilt Tripping People

A guilt trip is a form of emotional manipulation, and dark empaths are well-known for their skill in this regard.

While dark triads often lack empathy and struggle to understand emotion, dark empaths understand others’ emotions with ease, particularly shame and obligation, which helps to fuel the guilt-trip when using it.

To the dark empath, empathy is merely an instrument to get others to do what they want. Essentially, dark empaths rarely use their empathetic nature to display love or affection commonly associated with empaths.

7 – Relish In Malicious Humor

7 Traits Of A Dark Empath - The Most Dangerous Personality Type

The superiority complex that dark empaths tout is like a fire that requires fuel to burn. And if you accidentally extinguish a little bit of the flames, the dark empath will often add more fuel with a scorching intensity. But instead of gasoline, these personality types prefer malicious humor.

Especially jokes that target others’ weaknesses and insecurities. They enjoy laughing at people they see as beneath them, and these judgments are often rooted in prejudice.

If someone else is in pain, they might exploit it. And hurtful jokes and put-downs are the best fuel to lift up a dark empath’s spirits when they want to feel superior.

Freud describes this type of humor as tendentious, the worst possible, and fundamentally destructive.

The take home

At first, the dark empath might sound like a contradiction or a new and rare type. But when you look deeper, there are dark empaths all around us, and they’ve been there for quite a while. Take a look at cinema and literature. You’ll see that dark empaths have been around for hundreds of years. And they’ve even been celebrated.

People with this personality type often fit into the trope of the mysterious and evil character who turns out to have a heart after all.

Think of the high-school bad boy, the vampire who doesn’t drink blood or the thief who steals to provide for the needy. Whether you see the dark empath as good or bad is relative, but one thing’s for sure. They have a powerful personality that can build and destroy with ease.

Do you know a dark empath? Is it someone you’re close to? Let us know in the comments below!

Written by Interesting Psychology Team

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