
Are you an ENFJ? Find Out with These 10 Signs!

Are you an ENFJ Find Out with These 10 Signs

ENFJ stands for Extroverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Judging,  and is one of the 16 personality types in the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

ENFJs are sometimes referred to as “the  teacher” because they’re often perceived  as being the strongest “people person.”

They are often known to forge friendships with all types of people, even with more introverted or reticent individuals.

ENFJs reportedly make up just a  little more than 2% of the population. But let’s explore further with 10 Signs you might have the ENFJ Personality Type.

1. ENFJs tend to be natural-born leaders

ENFJs are born leaders. It’s in their nature to take charge and get things done. They’re outgoing and enthusiastic,  and they have a strong sense of vanquisher. People tend to be very drawn to ENFJ’s optimistic attitude and can-do spirit.

The  ENFJ knows how to get people fired up and motivated – they’re masters of groupthink. When it comes to getting things done, the ENFJ  is often all business. They have a clear vision of what they want to achieve, and they’re not afraid to put in the hard work to make it happen.

The ENFJ is also a natural problem-solver. They’re quick to see potential solutions and are always looking for ways to improve things. This makes them excellent leaders in both work and life.

2. ENFJs are great communicators

ENFJs are very gifted communicators,  with their innate empathy and insight to effectively connect with others. They excel at reading nonverbal cues, and they are adept at steering conversations toward areas of common ground.

This ability to quickly establish rapport is another reason ENFJs are such natural leaders. They often inspire others to see the world from a new perspective.ENFJs are also very skilled at mediating conflict,  and they are usually able to find win-win solutions that satisfy all parties involved.

This talent for diplomacy is one of the reasons why  ENFJs are often successful in many different professions. They just have a natural knack for understanding and connecting with others,  which is very unique to this personality type this rare combination of gifts also allows them to see the potential in others and help them to reach their goals.

3. ENFJs are usually very  independent and self-sufficient

ENFJs are exceptionally independent and self-sufficient personality types. They’re not the type to sit around and wait for things to happen – they like to take charge and make things happen. They’re also very driven and motivated,  always looking for ways to improve and grow.

As highly organized and efficient individuals,  they tend to get things done quickly and effectively. They’re great delegators,  but they’ll sometimes go off on their own in order to get something done,  as they might deem it more efficient, and they don’t like having to rely on others for it.

This sense of independence can definitely make them appear introverted at times,  especially when they are working hard and trying to get something important done.

4. ENFJs like to be in control of their environment

ENFJs are definitely people that always like to be in the know,  as they’re a personality type that craves order and predictability in their lives.  Having everything in its rightful place helps them to feel calm and grounded.

Most ENFJs also tend to have strong opinions about how things should be done,  and as a result, they often take charge in order to ensure that things are done their way. Also being very detail-oriented people,  they like to have a hand in every aspect of their lives.

Being in control of their environment allows them to create the perfectly ordered and impeccably organized world that they desire.

5. ENFJs inspire the best in people

People are drawn to ENFJs because of their magnetic personalities. They have a way of making everyone around them feel understood and appreciated,  and their enthusiasm is often contagious.

When an ENFJ believes in something, they pour their whole heart into it and they’re not afraid to let their passion show. This intensity is inspiring to others, and it’s impossible not to be drawn in by an ENFJ’s infectious energy when they turn on the charm.

ENFJs also tend to be incredibly supportive  – quick to offer a kind word or a shoulder to cry on to anyone in need. Their generous spirits make the people around them feel valued and important, and this is another reason why ENFJs are such inspirational leaders.

When you’re surrounded by an ENFJ’s warmth and compassion,  it’s easy to see why they’re such beloved friends and family members.

6. ENFJs will likely have a clear vision and plan for the future

ENFJs are very detailed planners. They love nothing more than mapping out their future and mapping out a plan to get there. This isn’t because they’re control freaks who need everything to be perfect (although that can be true sometimes).

It’s because  ENFJs are very future-oriented people. They have a strong sense of where they want to be in life,  and they’re always thinking about how they can get there. This future-oriented thinking is what makes ENFJs such good planners.

  When you have a clear vision of the future,  it’s much easier to map out a plan to get there. And when you’re constantly thinking about the future, you’re more likely to spot potential problems before they happen.

That’s why ENFJs are always one step ahead of the competition. They know what’s going to happen before it happens, as they’ve already planned for it.

7. ENFJs can be quite blunt at times

ENFJs can be unnervingly assertive with their point of view. They are the type of people who are always willing to put themselves out there and take charge of a situation.

This can be a strength, as it allows ENFJs to lead people and get things done. However, it can also be a weakness, as ENFJs can come across as too pushy or bossy.

Some ENFJs can often find it difficult to find a balance between being assertive and being respectful of others. But this is usually when an ENFJ is young and has not yet learned to use their gift.

Once they do, an ENFJs blunt and assertive nature is undoubtedly a  key part of what makes them such dynamic and successful people.

8. ENFJs are able to read people without trying

ENFJs have Introverted Intuition (Ni) as an auxiliary cognitive function. This allows them to intuitively understand how others are feeling and what they need emotionally.

This ability to read people doesn’t just come from paying attention to what people say,  but also from observing nonverbal cues like body language and facial expressions.

ENFJs tend to also be incredibly empathetic,  so they can easily put themselves in another person’s shoes, and it’s this combination of empathy and intuition that gives them the rare ability to understand people on a deep level.

Because of their charming and outgoing nature,  others tend to feel comfortable around them, which can make them more likely to open up. This allows ENFJs to gather even more information,  further deepening their understanding of a person.

ENFJs are often able to establish trust quickly and build strong relationships because of this.

9. ENFJs are fascinated by human-human interactions

ENFJs find human dynamics extremely interesting. While some people enjoy figuring out everything there is to know about cars, they enjoy figuring out the inner workings of human relationships – often fascinated by the various ways people interact with one another.

They’re always on the lookout for different methods to improve their own relationships, or be of help to others. In many ways, ENFJs can see themselves as relationship experts,  keen to share their insights with the world.

They often have a great knack for reading people and understanding their individual needs. This is why they can be so great at giving advice and counseling others.

10. ENFJs really believe in forgiveness

ENFJs are the type of people who can’t stay mad for more than 5 minutes. As natural caretakers and peacemakers,  they’re often quick to forgive people.

They believe that everyone is capable of change. They also tend to be very emotionally intelligent – able to see multiple sides of particular circumstances and understand why people do the things that they do.

For ENFJs, forgiveness isn’t about condoning bad behavior – it’s about giving people the chance to redeem themselves. And while this attitude can sometimes lead to being taken advantage of, it also allows ENFJs to avoid conflict and keep the relationships they value so much intact.

ENFJs have a lot to offer the world and plenty of strengths that make them shine. Hope this video has helped show that.

Written by Interesting Psychology Team

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