- Question of
How long have you known your Closest Friends?
- More than 5 years.
- 1- 5 years.
- Less than a year.
- I met many of them recently, but it feels like I’ve known them forever!
- Question of
How often do you Talk with them on Social media, FaceTime, or by Text?
- Not very often. I prefer face-to-face contact.
- A few times a week at most, when something important happens.
- Nearly every day, when we’re bored.
- Almost 24/7. Sometimes we stay up talking all night!
- Question of
Do you get Messages from your Friends over the Smallest Emergencies?
- Not really, I rarely get messages in General.
- I sometimes get messages, but only when it’s a big deal they want to discuss.
- We have a group chat where everyone Shares their News.
- My phone doesn’t stop beeping!
- Question of
Do You Fall in Love Easily?
- Not really, but when I do it’s intense.
- I sometimes have a crush on someone I meet for the first time, but then it goes away!
- I often get a crush when someone pays a lot of attention to me.
- I fall in love very easily.
- Question of
Are you still in Contact with your Previous Partners?
- Definitely Not.
- I can’t and never have been friends with someone I broke up With!
- I occasionally say hi to some of them, but I’ve never stayed friends.
- Yes, they’re great people and we still hang out together!
- Question of
Do you like Sharing Everything that Happens to you With your Friends?
- Not really. Unless it’s something meaningful
- Sometimes. It usually depends on my Mood.
- Most of the time. I like talking about what happens, and my friends share stuff with me .
- I share everything with my friends to show them that I care.
- Question of
What do you do on Friday and Saturday Nights?
- I enjoy some alone time at home either watching TV reading a book or playing games.
- I like inviting my friends over to order dinner and chill.
- I go out for coffee, dinner, or a movie with my friends.
- I usually go out to parties with my buddies, or throw one at home.
- Question of
Do people talk about you behind your back?
- I’m not sure. Probably Not.
- maybe they do but I’ve never heard about it
- Yes, and I didn’t like it when I found out!
- Yes, and I don’t mind.
- Question of
In your Friendship Group which of these Characters are you?
- The shy one! It takes me a while to open up to people.
- The cool! One everyone comes to me when they have a problem.
- The fun one! I always come up with new ways to enjoy ourselves.
- I’m the Crazy one! sometimes my actions are Unpredictable.
- Question of
How Many Friends do you have Online compared to Real Life?
- I don’t have many friends just a few close ones.
- I have the same number of friends both online and in real life.
- I have more friends online than in real life, because of social media.
- I have more friends in real life than online.
- Question of
What’s your laugh like?
- I don’t laugh often, but my laugh is hilarious!
- I have a very contagious laugh!
- I giggle more than i laugh!
- Very loud and a bit annoying!
- Question of
What do people admire about you?
- My sense of responsibility. I’m a reliable person.
- My caring personality. Whenever my friends need me I’m always there.
- My free-spirited nature. I don’t follow the crowd.
- My sense of humor. I make everyone laugh, and I lift people’s spirits.
- Question of
Do your Friends open up to you Easily?
- Sometimes, when we’re alone I usually have to ask them if they’re okay first!
- When it’s a serious problem not very often, but over small things I’m the first to get a call.
- It depends on the friend. Some of them feel more comfortable sharing stuff with me
- Yes. usually I’m on their speed dial.
- Question of
If you were going out tomorrow night. Who would you take with you?
- Whoever invited me first.
- my best friend
- I’d go with a bunch of my friends as a group.
- I’d ask one person in my group that I don’t know very well to get to know them better!
- Question of
What do you think of Parties?
- I don’t really like them. I prefer quiet gatherings.
- I’m usually shy, but with the right people, I’m okay with them.
- They’re great for meeting new people. I like that!
- I love parties! I’m usually the first to get invited.
- Question of
Who do you think has a crush on you?
- I don’t think anyone does, but I can never be sure.
- One of my best friends but I don’t know who!
- A few people, but nobody has admitted it yet!
- A few of my friends – They confessed it to me.
- Question of
What would make you the Happiest Person in the World?
- Mastering my craft and succeeding in something I like.
- I want to help others. The fortunate and unfortunate. I love the feeling of improving somebody’s life.
- spending time with my family and friends. Life is too short, and I want to enjoy my time with people I love.
- Going on adventures and gaining new experiences. I like exploring the world and learning new things.
- Question of
Do you often get anonymous flirty messages on social media, or on your phone?
- No, I know all the people that message me
- Maybe once or twice, but I wasn’t sure they were meant for me.
- I’ve received a few love note!
- I occasionally receive flirty messages.
- Question of
When your friends invite you out. Where do they take you?
- For a quick bite and then to the movies.
- We have a picnic in the park old school style.
- I go over to their place, or they come over to mine. We order food and just chill.
- We go out to a nice restaurant, preferably for dinner.
- Question of
How do your Friends React when you talk to them?
- They listen to me very carefully.
- I catch a few of them staring and they get shy when I look back at them.
- They sometimes stumble when we start a conversation, but they’re okay after a while.
- They usually avoid making eye contact!
- Question of
How do your friends react when they meet new people?
- They’re cool with it, but they’re cautious at first.
- They get defensive and a bit jealous.
- They stay the same.
- They’re welcoming and try to make the new person feel comfortable.
- Question of
If you notice one of your friends is looking at you and smiling. What do you do?
- Make a funny gesture to stop them from staring. It’s uncomfortable.
- I ignore them and do whatever I was doing before.
- I smile back at them to be kind.
- I talked to them about the first thing that comes to mind!
- Question of
How often do you meet New People?
- Not very often. Knowing a ton of individuals is overwhelming so I avoid it.
- Sometimes it depends on the occasion.
- I often meet new people through my job, friends, and my hobbies!
- ll the time I love meeting new people.
- Question of
You’re walking down the street at night with a group of your friends, and someone is trying to cause trouble. What do you do?
- I avoid the situation and walk away as if nothing happened.
- I avoid confrontation. But if someone is being unfair to someone else, I need to intervene.
- I kindly ask what the problem is.
- I tell them off. I have to stand up for myself and others.
in Quizzes
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