I’m sure you’ve all had the experience of having friends, but have you ever stopped to think about your true circle of friends? Are they family? Are they people you went to school with? Or are they just people that you go out drinking with on Friday nights after work?
While there are no right or wrong answers to these questions, it’s still worth thinking about which type of friend you really are. Here are the four main types of friends and how they interact with others!
Within every group of friends, no one is exactly like the other and, that is the best part of friendships. Take the quiz to know what kind of a friend you are!
- Question of
Your friend just won a critical match. How would you like to celebrate?
- Tell them how awesome they are and that you’re proud of them
- Prepare a present that they always wanted to get
- Invite them up for dinner
- Throw a party for your friend
- Question of
Your friend crashes at your place feeling down. How would you comfort them?
- You let them vent it out and give them advice
- Empathize with your friend and give them a warm hug
- Crack jokes to make them laugh and cheer them up
- Invite them up for a night out to have a break and let loose
- Question of
What is one of your pet peeves With Friends?
- Being bothered in your alone time
- Careless and immature behavior from your friends
- Your friend saying pessimistic comments about everything, being negative
- Your friends canceling on plans
- Question of
You’re on call with a mean customer service representative who won’t exchange an effective product for a better one. What would you do?
- Request to talk to a higher official to know what you could do to exchange the product
- Understand their position and try to convince them to give you a better product
- Give up! You can try next time
- Sweet talk them into getting The Exchange
- Question of
What is your way of enjoying yourself with friends?
- Stay up late to have deep conversations with your friend
- Anything is fun as long as I’m with my people
- Pulling pranks on each other or watching movies together
- Traveling to new places together
- Question of
What do you expect from your friends?
- Respect each other’s boundaries
- They share similar values and can understand you so well you can be yourself around them
- They have the same uplifting vibe
- They encourage me to become a better person
- Question of
If you had to describe yourself in a single word. What word would you choose?
- Honest
- Responsible
- Witty
- Adventurous
- Question of
You have to organize a school event. What role would you choose?
- The financial advisor
- The events manager
- The marketing head
- The leader
- Question of
A conflict broke out in your group. What do you do?
- Wait until they calm down to talk it out later
- Try to talk to them and understand their perspective to settle the matter peacefully
- Let them be it’s good to let your anger and frustration out rather than keeping it bottled up
- Jump in to stop the argument before it becomes worse
- Question of
While shopping you realize you don’t have enough money to buy everything on the list. What would you buy with the remaining amount?
- Buy as many things possible from the list
- Items in the list your friend warned you not to get
- Treat yourself by buying what you had been long waiting for
- Bargained with the shop owner to get the best deal to buy everything