
What Type of Introvert Are You? Simple Personality Quiz

There are only 4 types of Introverts, what type are you?

Not all introverts are the same. As it turned out there are not two not three, but four types of introverts out there.
Do you want to find out which type you are? take our quick psychology test to discover more about your personality.
Just choose the right answer that suits you best, and click “next”. The result will be shown at the end of this personality test.

  • Question of

    Who do you usually spend your birthdays with?

    • Just my family and my closest and dearest friends
    • A few people or maybe just spending the day by myself
    • I usually don’t celebrate my birthdays or just do it at home by myself
    • I prefer to think these stuff through beforehand. My birthday’s can be quite different depending on my mood!
  • Question of

    You arrived at your friend’s big housewarming party. How are you feeling?

    • Great! I’m going to give them a big hug and congratulate on finally getting everything done!
    • Alright. I already imagined how I’m going to greet everybody and spend some quality time with a few of my favorite people
    • Terrified. I just hope nobody would hate me!
    • I’m a couple of minutes late, but interested to know what the whole vibe is going to be and then who knows what will happen!
  • Question of

    How do you feel when you meet new people?

    • it’s exciting, but I still feel a bit tired after long conversations
    • Great! maybe they’ll share my thoughts and ideas!
    • A lot of anxiety and nervous sweating
    • I don’t mind it at all, just need some time to put me in the zone….
  • Question of

    Why you enjoy your alone time more than parties and other social events?

    • I simply feel more relaxed and free. I guess I’m “recharging” in a way….
    • I love to immerse in the world of my imagination. I’m always thinking about new exciting ideas and analyze my emotions
    • I’m Way too clumsy around people. Plus it just stresses me out. being alone is way more comfortable and safe
    • Sometimes being in a group requires so much energy and work, so I just chill out in my own company
  • Question of

    What describes your morning best?

    • I don’t stay in bed for that long. I get up right away and kick start my day with a cup of coffee
    • I’m having breakfast and thinking about my day – what I’m going to do and where I’m gonna go
    • I’m not a morning person and if this day requires interactions like school, University, work, this doesn’t improve my mood either
    • I usually stay in bed for some time. I mean, how do you even get up right away? it takes me some time to get going
  • Question of

    What’s your ideal vacation look like?

    • I’m with my closest friends somewhere we can have fun!
    • somewhere I’ve already been. I can roam the streets unfamiliar with, think and find something new and everything around!
    • Being somewhere alone I enjoy my own company
    • I feel way more comfortable when everything is already planned out. So every day I know what to do and don’t waste any time

Written by Interesting Psychology Team

Im creative but I own though and writing different in the world so i am unique

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