7: You lack empathy.
Another sign that you could be a psychopath is the inability to show empathy. Empathy is defined by Cambridge Dictionary as “the ability to understand and share other people’s feelings and problems”. It is a crucial aspect of normal human functioning, as we humans are social animals.
Empathy allows us to feel what others feel, to become closer to them by sharing thoughts and emotions, and to care for each other. A sign that you lack empathy is the inability to genuinely relate to others and to imagine what it must be like to be in their place.
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6: You have a parasitic lifestyle.
Being financially independent and in charge of your life is what most people strive for. One small exception is psychopaths, though. People with psychopathic traits do not mind and even prefer living off someone else.
They may play on other people’s feelings of duty or empathy and ruthlessly take financial advantage of them. Moreover, this parasitic lifestyle is not solely limited to finances – psychopaths would eagerly put the burden of organizing their lives on others, as they lack self-discipline and motivation.
So, there’s some food for thought for you – are you independent in life or do you unjustifiably pass on the responsibility for your future to others? If so, do you feel remorse for burdening them?
5: You are impulsive and you have trouble controlling your behavior.
Do you find yourself unable to keep your emotions in check? If a coworker has an annoying habit of clicking with their pen, does it drive you crazy up to the point where you lash out at them? Poor behavioral control is typical of individuals with psychopathic tendencies.
It may manifest itself as irritability, impatience, dysfunctional emotional regulation, or even threats and overt aggression.
Psychopaths are extremely impulsive and make rash decisions as they are unable to plan properly or resist momentary impulses. They are also unconcerned with consequences.
4: You have many romantic partners.
How do you treat your partners? Do you like being in a long-term relationship or do you prefer light romances and quickly moving on to the next person? Having a lot of partners per se does not mean one is a psychopath.
However, if this tendency occurs with other signs mentioned in this video, it helps create the profile of a typical psychopath. What is the threshold between bad luck in dating and psychopathy, though?
Psychopaths are bound to easily get tired of being in a relationship and they cannot keep a long-term partner. Often, they have many sexual partners, even a few at a time, and cannot commit to a serious relationship.
They are very unreliable as a partner and take pride in the number of people they sleep with, frequently boasting about their “conquests”.