is a matter of habit and it’s amazing how quickly you can build it up or tear it down if you don’t work on it every day.
One of the greatest benefits of a high level of confidence is that it gives you a huge supply of energy to pursue your goals.
Because it takes great mental effort to stay anxious and doubt yourself all the time.
Being self-conscious, trying too much to please others, or constantly dread letting people or yourself down. It’s exhausting. Keep it up for long enough and all your mental energy will leak away.
On the other hand, true self-confidence is looking beyond yourself. Great self-confidence is not the opposite of low self-confidence.
Because people who doubt themselves too much actually tend to focus on themselves much more than people who are confident.
But when you’re self-confident
You don’t need to focus on you at all. Because you are too busy focusing outward on what you’re doing. Confidence is acting with optimism, calm, energy and focus because the I has disappeared.
This is a profound point, and I want you to Consider very carefully.
There’s also a popular myth that self-confident people know or have to believe that everything will work out no matter what. Now it is true that self-confidence makes you more positive and optimistic, but self-confidence isn’t about having to know.
Self-confidence is a calm subconscious to conscious sense that whatever happens…
“I will manage it successfully, and I will do everything I can to make this happen.” But whatever happens, I’ll be just fine!”
If you really want to be confident you have to be able to relax with uncertainties. Those prone to anxiety and self-doubts, just can’t do this.
And self confident people (which will mean you) are explorers.
They don’t assume they know how something will go but look forward with a calm open mind to finding out. A wonderful calm openness to life is key to being confident.
Because you don’t need to know that a situation will be good. You only need to know that YOU will be good no matter the situation. It’s that sense that gives us true, real and lasting confidence.
Try The Exercise below to help you build More Confidence
A good reason for the lack of confidence you felt in the past may have been due to you practicing a form of negative “self-hypnosis” Of course, you never intended to do that none of us do but it happens every day. And we are often unaware that we’re doing it. But what was done can be undone.
More Confident
1. Find somewhere comfortable and peaceful to sit or lie, where you know you won’t be disturbed for a while. Close your eyes and start to pay attention to the sensation of resting deeper and deeper with each breath.
2. As your breathing becomes slower and gentler, visualize pure relaxation as your favorite color. Notice as the color, your color, soothes its way through the muscle fibers of your feet,
perhaps warming them a little as you relax deeper. Watch in your mind’s eye how that rest and relaxation spreads up the muscles of your legs, and up through your torso, and all over your body as you go deeper into a hypnotic trance. Take your time.
3. Gradually become aware of calmly watching yourself in a future time, looking relaxed and happy, in a time after a certain kind of situation in which you would previously have felt less than confident. Maybe you can see yourself sitting in a chair or just resting someplace.
4. Notice how pleased that future you looks in that future time, after that event, so pleased that you have added yet another thing to your list of confident activities or situations. Give yourself time to fully register how calmly yet deeply happy you feel about this.
5. After absorbing this for some time, redirect your attention to get a sense of calmly watching yourself, from the outside, actually being in that time and place and situation, as it is unfolding, looking so calm and relaxed and focus in just the right way.
6. Notice what it is about (the you) there in that unfolding situation that lets (the you) here in trance know (the you) there is completely open and relaxed with whatever the situation brings. You might notice how other people around are affected by the steady confidence and calm of (the you) there.
7. Now get a sense of drifting forwards in time and merging with that you in that situation, so you can discover what it feels like from the inside to feel so calm and focused and accepting of everything that happens as that situation unfolds, knowing that
whatever occurs, you are okay.
8. When your unconscious mind lets you know that you have learned everything you need from this experience, then allow yourself to drift out of that future situation and float back into the here and now.
9. When you’re ready, drift out of hypnosis and come back to the room, feeling rested, refreshed and inspired.
Take a few moments and a few BIG DEEP breaths to come back to full waking conscious before you get up.