- Question of
You’re running late to an important meeting. Traffic is backed up for miles. What do you do?
- Turn on relaxing music and just chill. What happens happens.
- Get increasingly anxious and frustrated as you sit in traffic.
- Try backroads and creative routes to get there faster.
- Call/text to let them know you’ll be late.
- Pull over and take 10 deep breaths to calm down.
- Question of
You have a big project due tomorrow and you’ve barely started. How do you react?
- Procrastinate more because the stress is too much.
- Panic and work in a frenzy to try and finish.
- Buckle down and work efficiently to get it done.
- Ask for an extension or help finishing it.
- Make a plan and tackle it one step at a time.
- Question of
You notice your heart racing and mind racing when stressed. How do you cope?
- Listen to music or watch TV to distract yourself.
- Vent to friends and family about what’s stressing you.
- Exercise or go for a walk to burn off the stress.
- Journal your thoughts and worries to process them.
- Practice breathing exercises or meditation.
- Question of
Your boss just gave you tough feedback at work. How do you respond?
- Shut down and avoid your boss.
- Lash out in anger about the “unfair” feedback.
- Listen calmly and take notes on what to improve.
- Break down in tears from feeling overwhelmed.
- Thank them politely and say you’ll reflect on it.
- Question of
You have a tense disagreement with your partner. What happens next?
- Pretend nothing’s wrong and ignore the issue.
- Yell and fight more to get your feelings out.
- Take space to cool off, then talk it through.
- Apologize and back down, even if you’re right.
- Suggest a compromise or agree to disagree.
- Question of
Your friend cancels plans with you last minute. What goes through your mind?
- They must not enjoy spending time with me.
- I can’t believe they bailed again! So annoying.
- Hopefully everything is okay. I’ll check in with them later.
- This ruined my whole day…now what do I do?
- Plans change sometimes. No big deal!
- Question of
You have a big presentation to give tomorrow. How do you prepare?
- Stay up all night stressing and making slides.
- Rehearse like crazy until you know it perfectly.
- Visualize giving it successfully and get a good night’s rest.
- Ask someone else on your team to present instead.
- Practice to feel prepared but accept you might mess up.
- Question of
Your inbox is overflowing with unanswered emails. How do you tackle it?
- Freeze up and ignore it, feeling too overwhelmed.
- Blast through replies quickly just to get it done.
- Methodically answer them one at a time.
- Ask for an extension on replying if you need it.
- Write a quick reply now, schedule time to write thoughtful responses later.
- Question of
You have a tense family dinner where people are arguing. What’s your go-to coping mechanism?
- Drink lots of wine to numb the tension.
- Get sucked into the drama and fight with everyone.
- Mediate and encourage people to find common ground.
- Go silent and internalize the hurtful comments.
- Redirect the conversation to lighter topics.
- Question of
The scale says you gained a few pounds. How do you respond?
- Fall into an shame spiral about your body.
- Double down on extreme dieting to quickly lose the weight.
- Acknowledge it but know your worth isn’t tied to your weight.
- Have a good cry and vent to someone about feeling fat.
- Remind yourself weight fluctuates naturally and focus on healthy habits.
- Question of
You get some unexpected medical bills in the mail. What do you do?
- Toss them aside and pretend they don’t exist.
- Panic about how you’ll pay them with your current budget.
- Call the provider to see if you can set up a payment plan.
- Vent on social media and crowdsource advice.
- Remind yourself it will work out eventually, then make a budget.
- Question of
Your phone dies while you’re out and you can’t access it for hours. How do you cope?
- Constantly borrow friends’ phones to check for updates.
- Feel anxious not knowing what you’re missing out on.
- Enjoy the digital detox time. Out of sight, out of mind.
- Leave the event early to go home and charge your phone.
- Feel mildly annoyed but make the best of the situation.
- Question of
You sleep through your alarm and wake up late. What do you do?
- Go back to bed and call out of work – too stressed to go in late!
- Rush out in a frenzy, skipping breakfast and your routine.
- Adjust your routine quickly to still make it work – multi-tasking!
- Sheepishly call your boss to say you’ll be late because you slept in.
- Take a few breaths, move at a brisk pace, and know it’ll be okay.
in Quizzes