- Question of
What’s your ideal hangout spot?
- the mall with all my gal pals.
- A coffee shop, where the greatest ideas are born.
- Events venues where I can make new friends.
- My house is my fortress.
- Question of
Pick your Favorite outfit:
- Jeans and Sneakers all the way! I dress to go places, not to impress.
- I you never leave the house without high heels in a crisp suit on.
- Hippie Chick. The more flowers the better!
- I always add one fun accent to spice up a plain outfit.
- Question of
Pick the best birthday present you could get:
- Knowledge is truly the greatest gift. A gift card to a bookstore or access to an online course would put a smile on my face.
- Anything wrapped in gift paper with lots of love to top it off!
- A trip to Socotra or anywhere no one else has been.
- I ask my friends to donate to charity instead of buying me anything. Giving is better than receiving.
- Question of
Which cause would you most likely support?
- Save the environment!
- Freedom of expression in the arts!
- Gender equality in the job market!
- I try to steer clear from all this activism stuff.
- Question of
Which bumper sticker speaks to you on a personal level?
- “If you ain’t first, you’re last”.
- “Be the change you wish to see in the world”.
- “imagine all the people living life in peace”.
- What’s a bumper sticker?
- Question of
How do you handle conflicts?
- I avoid them at all costs, even if it means taking the blame!
- here’s nothing that a constructive discussion can’t resolve.
- I don’t let other people’s negativity get to me.
- Meditation helps a lot.
- Question of
Which of the following do you fear most of all?
- A lack of inspiration.
- Job insecurity.
- Losing all my friends.
- Global warming.
- Question of
What are your reading preferences?
- I only have time to read the news, especially if it concerns business.
- Travel literature, it’s where I get my inspiration from.
- I flip through magazines while getting my hair done.
- Nothing can beat the classics!
- Question of
If you could choose one superpower, what would it be?
- Healing People.
- Understanding animals.
- Speeding up and slowing down time whenever I need.
- Flying of course!
- Question of
I’d like to reward you with a flower. Which one would you like?
- A daisy
- A red rose
- An orchid
- A tulips
in Quizzes