
11 Little Things That Mean A Lot to Him

6 – Be Adventurous

Lots of relationships start out adventurous but then fizzle into a monotonous routine of comfort. Not many people say, β€œMan, I can’t wait to sit next to you and do nothing forever.”Seeking out ways to keep things exciting shows your man that you care about him and your relationship.

Yes, chilling on the couch all day would probably be more relaxing, but going on a hike or to a sporting event with him might not be so bad either. Bonding through experiences like this creates great memories and brings you closer. So get out there and do something fun!

7 – Do Little Favors for Him

When someone does something for you without asking and with no expectation of anything in return, it helps you relax a little bit more. It’s just one less thing to worry about, and we could all use that. Make him lunch if he’s having a busy week at work.

If he’s usually the one doing grocery shopping, but he’s been super stressed, take that burden off him. Little acts of service are a thoughtful and generous way to show him that you care.

8 – Check Up on Him

Ok, don’t go overboard. But guys do like it when you check on them. If you text good morning first, he won’t feel like things are one-sided. If he always has to initiate conversations or be the first to make contact, he may interpret that as you not being interested.

So, when you think of him, tell him. Just a quick text asking how his day is going lets him know that he’s important to you, and that’s enough to brighten anyone’s day.

9 – Surprise Him

No guy wants to feel like he’s the only one giving in a relationship. So do something unexpected to show him how much he means to you. Maybe this means cooking his favorite dish or a picnic somewhere special.

You might want to leave him little handwritten notes once in a while. You can also surprise him with random little gifts. Or, if you’re able to, plan a trip just for the two of you. This could be a road trip or a flight across the world.It could also just be a weekend getaway somewhere close.

10 – Give Him Your Support

Supporting your man in his passions and goals is one of the greatest gifts you can give him. He likely has his things. Things he’s confident about and knows he can accomplish. But there are other things that he’s not so sure about, and your support can help him overcome those.

He might just need a slight push to pull the trigger and finally start that business he’s always dreamed about. Encourage him and motivate him. Be his number one cheerleader. By supporting his dreams, you’re showing him that you believe in him.

11 – Tell Him You Appreciate Him

There is no better feeling in the world than being appreciated. You feel seen and acknowledged for your efforts.

Being appreciative shows your partner that you acknowledge that he doesn’t have to do things he does, but you notice it, and you appreciate it. He doesn’t have to take the trash out. He probably doesn’t particularly enjoy it either. But he does it, so you don’t have to. Make sure he knows that you appreciate that

. There you have it. Despite all their differences, men and women are fundamentally the same.It comes down to pretty much the same basic needs and desires. To feel wanted, appreciated, and loved.

What do you think about this list? Do you agree? What else would you add?

Leave your thoughts in the comments below!

Written by Interesting Psychology Team

Im creative but I own though and writing different in the world so i am unique

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