Breakups are tough. They’re painful and depressing. And the longer you’re with someone, the harder it can be to let go of a relationship that just isn’t serving you anymore.
You might make excuses for them and decide to stay even though you have a gut feeling that things aren’t working out. But if your partner isn’t treating you right or you always feel miserable around them, your relationship is unlikely to last.
Here are some signs that it might be time to call it quits.
1 – You Don’t Share the Same Values
There are significant issues that can affect the future of your relationship. For example, marriage, kids, where you’ll live, and financial matters can all be deal-breakers. If you don’t already know where you stand on these issues, it’s worth a conversation.
If you find out that there are some things that you disagree on and neither of you is willing to compromise, then you’re essentially wasting your time since it’s bound to come up again later, and probably not in a good way.
2 – You’re Turning to Someone Else to Get What You Need
Many people have a ‘work spouse’ a co-worker with whom they have a close platonic relationship. It’s not uncommon since most people spend about 40 hours per week at their jobs.
When that companion (or anyone else for that matter) becomes the main person that you go to to get your needs met that’s when things become problematic. This connection doesn’t have to be physical, but it sure does make the situation more dangerous when there is an attraction there.
And it doesn’t have to be a pseudo-romantic relationship, either. It might just be that you feel you need to turn to a friend or family member to feel heard, vent, or have a deep conversation with. All things that you should be able to get from your partner, first and foremost.
3 – Your Partner Doesn’t Show Interest in Your Life
If your partner just thoughtlessly nods while scrolling on their cell phone when you’re trying to talk to them about your job or friends, it can seem as though they’re uninterested. If they can’t even feign interest when you’re talking, expecting them to accompany you to a family event or friend’s party might seem out of the question.
They don’t necessarily need to do everything with you, and neither should you with them. You both need to have a healthy number of interests separate from each other. But when there are significant events in your life, you would expect your partner to make an effort to be there with you. Having to beg them to do things you care about indicates that things just aren’t working out.
4 – You Feel Hidden By Your Partner
Some people are private and don’t like to flaunt their relationships, but at the very least, you’ll want to get to know some of your partner’s friends and family after a certain point.
If you think you’re in a committed relationship, but your partner doesn’t share anything about their life – or avoids introducing you to some of their family and friends, then you might start to feel inadequate.
Your partner should give you glimpses into their world, including inviting you to an important event or hanging out with friends. You want to feel like your partner is committed to the relationship and is proud to show you off.
5 – You’re Afraid to Be Honest with Your Partner
In healthy relationships, people feel entirely comfortable with each other. They’re able to discuss their wants and needs and speak up when those needs are not met. So, feeling like you can’t raise your concerns is a problem.
You shouldn’t have to worry about them thinking you’re crazy or being too sensitive just for asking for what you want. You should, however, feel secure enough to talk about your emotions. And if you can’t do that, then it may be time to reassess the status of your relationship.
6 – You’re Feeling Pressured to Change, and It Makes You Feel Less Worthy
It’s one thing when your partner asks you to keep the toilet lid open or closed. But if they insensitively tell you to lose weight or get a better job, you might start to feel like you’re not good enough.
Everyone wants to feel loved unconditionally, and if your partner isn’t doing that for you, it could be a projection of their own insecurities.