
11 Things That Make People Lose Respect For You

7 – Taking A Defensive Approach

When someone points out one of your mistakes or faults, do you handle it with grace or do you get defensive about it?

Humility is a very respectable trait, and you should be able to accept feedback or criticism without getting defensive. Ask yourself this: Would you rather be right or respected?

 8 – Allowing Others to Interrupt You Easily

A common pet peeve is being interrupted while speaking. If someone does this to you once or twice, it might be okay to let it slide. However, if it becomes a pattern, you might need to say something.

Allowing someone to interrupt you continuously can make you seem less respectable. Failing to address someone’s rude interjections makes it seem like you can’t stick up for yourself. Courteously point out the behavior.

They might not even realize they’re doing it, but you have to show that you know where to draw the line. By doing so, you’re making it clear that you have respect for yourself, and they should too.

9 – Thinking of Personal Gains in a Relationship

Successful relationships, whether professional or personal, are built on mutual trust and respect.

If you’re always just thinking about yourself and how you’ll benefit from a situation, you’ll come off as selfish, which is neither attractive nor respectable.

Instead, you should be focusing on the greater good of those involved and compromise when necessary.

10 – Not Understanding the Limits That Others Have Drawn

Everyone has boundaries, and it’s important to respect them. Some people are more private than others, and it’s not okay to push them beyond what they’re comfortable with.

If you’re constantly testing other people’s patience by poking into their personal affairs, they’ll view you as inconsiderate.

Do it enough, and they’ll not only lose respect for you, but they may blatantly tell you to mind your own business.

11 – Allowing Others to Disrespect You

Have you ever had someone disrespect you in front of other people? It’s not a great feeling. Not only is it embarrassing, but if you don’t speak up about it, then others might perceive you as weak and respect you less.

Disputes and sensitive matters are best handled in private, so if someone tries to demean you in public, keep your cool and tell them you’d rather discuss it at a more appropriate time and place.

By standing your ground, you show that you deserve respect. And by handling it calmly, you demonstrate that you’re also respectful of others. Your behavior and how you allow people to treat you will determine whether or not they’ll respect you.

Being respectful of yourself and others demonstrates that you deserve it, and people will treat you accordingly. Be cautious of these things, so others will respect you for the magnificent person you are.

What do you think?

Are you guilty of any of these?

Which one do you need to work on the most?

Let us know in the comments below!

Written by Interesting Psychology Team

Im creative but I own though and writing different in the world so i am unique


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