You get the recommended eight hours of shut-eye, but you still feel exhausted during certain parts of the day or even full of energy when it’s time to hit the sack. What’s the deal anyway?
well, sleep experts say that it all depends on your “chronotype”, so do you know yours? and why it matters. if not, don’t worry, because you’re about to find out in this quick sleep chronotype quiz.
Dr. Michael Brass an expert in the science of sleep, did some research by observing a group of his patients. At the end of his study, he was able to divide them into four sleeping types: bears, lions, wolves, and dolphins.
He also found that fatigue and difficulty getting up in the morning are simply consequences of not following the daily schedule that’s best for your so-called “chronotype”.
So to find out what your sleeping type is, you’ll have seven questions with four answer choices each, in the end, find out your results and how you need to organize your life depending on your chronotype. So let’s get started!
- Question of
What time do you naturally wake up?
- 8 or 9 A.M.
- About 6 A.M. or even earlier
- Somewhere around 11 A.M.
- I barely sleep through the night, so the time I wake up varies
- Question of
How do you feel about parties?
- They’re ok, but I’m usually too tired by the evening to party for too long!
- Not really my cup of tea. I choose a meeting up with my closest friends for some coffee over partying any day!
- I love them, actually I’m the life of every party!
- I can’t stand them, cozying up on my couch with a good book is my idea of fun
- Question of
What time do you usually go to bed?
- As early as I possibly can
- About 9:00 to 10:00 P.M.
- No later than 12:00 A.M.
- Very late! If I’m not having a bout of insomnia, then I’m most likely scrolling through my newsfeed, or chatting with friends
- Question of
What do you do on the weekends?
- Try to recoup my sleep
- Clean up the house and prepare my schedule for the next week
- Meet up with my friends or family
- Relax at home
- Question of
Do you get enough sleep at night?
- No, I always want more!
- Not really, my energy rarely lasts until the evening
- Yes, but mornings are still hard for me
- definitely not! My sleep is usually abrupt and restless
- Question of
What part of the day does your mind feel at its sharpest?
- Afternoon
- Morning
- Evening
- Midday
- Question of
How often do you take naps?
- Very frequently
- Quite rarely
- Almost never
- Often enough