
15 Psychological Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

6 – Food Tastes Better When Someone Else Makes It

15 Psychological Facts That Will Blow Your Mind (1) (1)

Ever wonder why food always tastes better when mom makes it? In fact, food tastes better whenever anyone else makes it assuming they’re a decent chef.

Researchers attribute this to the fact that when you’re preparing a meal for yourself, by the time you’re ready to eat, it’s been so long that it’s less exciting, and as a result, you enjoy it less.

7 – We’d Rather Know That Something Bad is Coming Than Not Know What to Expect

Have you ever felt a drop in your stomach when someone says, “We need to talk”? Your mind is immediately flooded with a million different bad things it could be about. If it’s a romantic partner, you’d probably rather they just break up with you then and there. If it’s your boss, you’d rather they just fire you on the spot.

Researchers have found that we prefer knowing something bad is going to happen over uncertainty. This is because when our brain doesn’t know what to expect, it goes into overdrive trying to predict any possible consequences, both good and bad.

8 – When One Rule Seems Too Strict, We Want to Break More

In the psychological phenomenon known as Reactance, people tend to break more rules when they feel like certain freedoms are being limited in an effort to regain the freedom that they perceive as being taken away. This is best illustrated in teenagers.

When grounded, not only might they sneak out, but they may end up engaging in other risky behaviors as a form of reactance.

9 – There’s A Reason We Want to Squeeze Cute Things

Puppies and babies. Don’t you just want to love them and squeeze them and cuddle with them? Well, apparently, that’s a natural reaction, and it’s known as Cute Aggression.

According to an article in the Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, the idea behind cute aggression is that when we’re overcome with positive feelings like those elicited by an adorable pup or baby, a tad bit of aggression balances out those overwhelming feelings so that we don’t harm innocent little beings.

10 – We Unintentionally Believe What We Want to Believe

Confirmation Bias is the tendency to interpret facts in a way that confirms what we already believe. This explains why people with certain political views prefer certain news outlets over others. Forget even trying to get Uncle Fred to change his stance on international relations.

Not only does confirmation bias lead us to seek out information that agrees with what we already believe, but it also causes us to reject contradictory information.

Written by Interesting Psychology Team

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