
15 Psychological Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

11 – You’re Programmed To Most Love The Music You Listened To In High School

15 Psychological Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

Good music triggers the release of dopamine and other feel-good chemicals.”This is my jam!” said every teenager at a party at some point ever. Ah, the days of high school…Or actually between the ages of 12 and 22, when the importance of everything feels magnified. Music included.

Studies show that we connect to the music we bonded to during our teenage years, more so than we ever will as adults, despite the passage of time.

12 – Memories Are More Like Pieced-Together Pictures Than Accurate Snapshots

False memories are something that you recall in your mind but aren’t actually true, either in whole or in part.

An example could be believing you started the dishwasher before you left for work when you really didn’t. This is because our brains can sometimes inaccurately fill in the blanks when it only remembers the gist of what happened.

13 – We Look for Human Faces, Even in Inanimate Objects

Pareidolia is the tendency to perceive specific, often meaningful images, such as faces, in random or ambiguous visual patterns. A common example is a man on the moon.

Some scientists attribute it to the fact that, as social beings, recognizing faces is so important that we’d rather create one where it doesn’t exist than miss a real one that does.

14 – People Rise to Our High Expectations And Don’t Rise If We Have Low Ones

The Pygmalion Effect is a psychological phenomenon in which high expectations lead to improved performance. In a famous study in the 1960s, researchers told teachers that random students had high potential according to their scores on an IQ test.

They found that those identified as high potential students did end up becoming high achievers, at least in part due to their teachers’ heightened expectations.

15 – Our Brain Doesn’t Think Long-Term Deadlines Are So Important

Yeah, you could probably start on that big project for work or school now, but you’ve got several months. Before you know it, those months are gone, and you’re scrambling to cram months’ worth of work into a matter of days. Urgent, unimportant tasks are more appealing.

They provide instant gratification because they’re quicker and easier to cross off your to-do list. Our brains process short-term deadlines like those measured in days better than long-term ones such as months or years.

Written by Interesting Psychology Team

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