
10 Differences Between True Love and Fake Love

Differences Between True Love and Fake Love

When you’re looking at a relationship from the inside, it’s not always easy to see the differences between authentic and fake love, but it’s not impossible, either. So, how can you determine whether you’re in a genuinely loving relationship or just infatuated with fake love?

For some, it comes down to a sense of security. When you experience unconditional love, your heart and soul know that your love is true. While some doubts are normal no matter who you’re with, persistent doubts and intense insecurity could be a sign that it’s time to exit the relationship.

If you feel like you can’t live without your partner, but at the same time, you can talk to them about your feelings, your future together, or your doubts, it’s probably not true love. To shed some light on your relationship, here are 10 distinctions between true love and fake love:

Sacrifice vs. Self-Concern

10 Differences Between True Love and Fake Love

In a loving relationship, both people make sacrifices in order to reach a compromise. In a hollow relationship, your significant other’s priority will always be them, not you or your feelings.

Just think about it…Does your partner consider your feelings when they make decisions? Whether it’s where you go for dinner, how often you talk to each other or deciding where to live, do they try to predict or ask how you might feel?

Real love involves mutual decision-making, especially about the big things. Fake love is inconsiderate. If you’re stuck in an unloving relationship, you might feel that your partner is selfish and reckless with your emotions. And they probably are.

Connection vs. Correction

Have you ever seen a couple who can read each other’s minds? It might seem impossibly romantic, but the truth is that they just know how to pay attention.

When two people love each other fully and unconditionally, they form a deep connection that allows them to understand the other’s thought processes. They do this by always responding to their partner’s bids for connection, whether it’s about something serious or lighthearted.

When someone sees you as important, they will listen to everything you have to say, even if it’s trivial. In contrast, a fake relationship doesn’t prioritize genuine connection. Instead, your partner may respond to you with apathy or negativity, even correcting and invalidating your thoughts and feelings.

Transparency vs. Darkness

Even though it can be ugly at times, the truth is always valued in a loving relationship. Transparency wipes away doubt and establishes security, paving the way for a faithful relationship built on trust.

Fake love doesn’t prioritize honesty. It can be filled with lies, omissions, and embellishments—leaving many things hidden in the dark. Often, deception is used as a tool for manipulation, and it can spoil a relationship, even if one partner is completely transparent. In a healthy relationship, honesty is two-sided, even if it means sharing uncomfortable secrets.

Humble vs. Proud

In a deeply loving relationship, both people hold themselves accountable for their actions. This is what it means to be humble. They take responsibility, admit their mistakes, and apologize when they need to.

In a fake relationship, pride wins out over the health of the relationship. One, or both partners might care more about “being right” or feeling superior. They may often let their significant other down and leave problems unresolved, just to preserve their pride. If your love is real, you are both open to putting aside your egos for the sake of the relationship.

Grateful vs. Envious

True love fills your life with gratitude. You appreciate your partner for everything that they are and everything they do. And they feel the same way about you. When one of you accomplishes something great, you both celebrate that achievement as if it were your own.

If your relationship is based on fake love, life may feel like a competition. This outlook breeds envy, greed, and jealousy. Instead of sharing joyous moments, fake lovers belittle each other’s triumphs and emphasize their faults. Dissatisfaction and bitterness are sure signs of a love that is untrue.

Written by Interesting Psychology Team

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