6 – They Don’t Say What They Mean
One way to identify a superficial person is through their shallow remarks. These people can’t give genuine compliments. Instead, their words might feel more like an insult, sarcasm, or just inauthentic. Even if you think the compliment sounded nice, there’s sure to be a crushing remark following not far behind.
7 – They Won’t Do Anything Unless It Benefits Them

For the most part, people engage in group activities like social causes for the good of the community as a whole. People are motivated to contribute by the thought of helping others. However, superficial people only care about things that benefit them. They’re not interested in helping others unless there’s something in it for them.
For example, they might volunteer at a charity event. But they only do this because there will be celebrities there who they’d like to meet. Shallow people don’t know what altruism is. And if they do, they don’t understand it. To them, life is all about getting what they want, even at the expense of others.
8 – They Are Judgmental
We all make judgments about other people, it’s in our nature. But superficial people are highly critical and judgemental of others, usually regarding appearance or disagreement. When someone doesn’t agree with them or challenges them, they respond with complete disregard for the other person’s feelings and beliefs.
Shallow people tend to make incorrect assumptions about others. If they think someone doesn’t understand their perspective, they’ll immediately become distraught and decide that they don’t like that person.
People like this are also seasoned professionals when it comes to projection. Instead of admitting their jealousy, fear, or insecurity, they accuse others of feeling that way, whether it’s to their face or through a nasty rumor.
9 – They Frequently Engage In Gossip
Shallow people like to gossip, and their words are usually razor-sharp. They’ll spew negativity about others even if it’s not true. And while they might pretend to feel concerned for their victim, they gossip to make themselves feel superior and to boost their self-esteem.
People like this don’t consider how their words affect others, whether that’s who they’re talking to or who they’re talking about. Even if they do realize the impact of their words, they simply don’t care.
10 – They Like To Be In The Limelight
While we all like admiration and positive reinforcement, superficial people have an intense need to be admired. They are dependent on the attention of others since they gain their sense of worth through acknowledgment.
That’s why shallow people love the limelight. If they’re not being seen, talked about, or appreciated by others, they feel neglected and unimportant. And if someone else steals the stage even for a minute, they do anything they can to get the attention back on them.
As you might expect, superficial people don’t dip below the surface. Forming meaningful connections with them can be difficult or even impossible. And while having shallow people in your life can be a pain, they aren’t necessarily bad people.
Their lack of depth or substance isn’t all that they are; like anyone else, they too can improve themselves through personal growth if they choose to. What do you think? After reading this post, did you discover that you may be dealing with some shallow people in your life? Or perhaps you have some of these traits?
Share your thoughts and comments below!