
11 Subtle Signs of a Toxic Relationship Most People Neglect

11 Subtle Signs of a Toxic Relationship Most People Neglect
11 Subtle Signs of a Toxic Relationship Most People Neglect

People stay in bad relationships for any number of reasons. Maybe their self-esteem is low, they don’t have a firm grasp on their emotions, or perhaps they are just plain clueless. Regardless of how these relationships start, they always end up psychologically unhealthy and even abusive in the end.

You don’t have to tolerate toxic relationships. All it takes is noticing a few telltale signs that most people usually ignore or think are normal. By paying attention to these signs and seeing if they apply to your relationship, you can take a step back, put your emotions aside, and truly question whether your partner is bringing value to your life.

1 – Inconsistent or Hurtful Texting

One of the first signs of a toxic relationship can be found right in your text messages. Are you noticing inconsistent or negative texting themes emerge? Your relationship might not be on the right track.

Your partner texts when they feel like it, at random times, probably when they’re bored or want some action. And when you text them, more often than not, you find yourself waiting for hours or even days to hear back from them.

It’s important to take note in the early stages of your relationship how the person’s texting habits make you feel. If you’re always the one reaching out and there isn’t much-reciprocated interest, this relationship could already be off-balance. Your partner simply isn’t ready for a serious relationship.

2 – Self-Betrayal

Sometimes, your partner will encourage you to do things that extend beyond your comfort zone, which can be a good thing. But, when they push you too far, and you end up doing things you never would’ve done, that isn’t a good sign.

It indicates that you might be favoring your partners’ interests more and sacrificing your own priorities. Even though every relationship takes some adjusting, you have to be true to yourself at the end of the day. That means you should consider what you want and not just agree to everything your partner says.

3 – You Always Feel Guilty, But Don’t Know Why

When you’re in a relationship, you want to be happy and feel loved. However, if you’re constantly being made to feel like you did something wrong but don’t really understand why, then your partner is showing signs of manipulation.

These are the kinds of people who tend to stir up trouble and create issues out of thin air to get what they want. Because they tend to avoid responsibility and instead place it on someone else, like you, they’re hard to change. Don’t always be the scapegoat for them to lean on like a crutch.

4 – They’re Obsessively Jealous

A little jealousy is expected in a relationship. It shows that someone cares. But, obsessive jealousy can overstep a boundary by keeping you guarded away from other important people in your life and from activities you enjoy.

If your partner tends to display unreasonable suspicion when nothing calls for it, that’s a warning sign that they’ll eventually try to hamper your social life in any way they can. Another sign of irrational jealousy is if they demand to do everything together and don’t allow an inch of privacy for you.

They constantly want to know where you’ve been, who you were with, and why you did something. Remember that trust is key to every successful relationship. If trust is not built into your foundation, you can expect trouble down the road.

5 – Your Partner Goes MIA

Does your partner tend to disappear after a fight? And after days of leaving you in the dark without any response, show up again and act as if nothing happened? Serious red flag right there.No matter how you look at it, this behavior is always toxic. It leaves you feeling incredibly unstable and unsure in a relationship.

6 – You No Longer Do Things You Love

Your passions are important aspects of who you are as a person. However, sometimes your partner might not be as in love with your hobbies as you are. In fact, they might be completely against them.

That could be because of who you interact with or where you go. But as long as there’s nothing wrong with whatever you’re doing, your partner shouldn’t be irrational about it. Even though compromise is required for every relationship, you should never have to give up your core interests to avoid a fight and become a slave to someone else’s will.

A good relationship is one where you support and encourage each other to learn and grow. If you’re feeling more trapped than free, that means your partner is trying to chain you down because of their insecurities.

Written by Interesting Psychology Team

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