
11 Subtle Signs of a Toxic Relationship Most People Neglect

7 – You Never Know When They’re Going to Explode

Are you constantly filled with anxiety because you never know what might set off your partner’s sticking time bomb? Perhaps the trigger might be another one of their insecurities which always results in those dreaded accusations.

You should have the freedom to speak your truth aloud and to make mistakes without any major repercussions. If your partner always overreacts and flies off the handle at every minor inconvenience, it’s a sign of toxic behavior that could escalate in the future.

8 – You’re Keeping a Scorecard

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If both of you are keeping an internal scorecard where you’re trying to one-up each other in the sense of competition or comparison, then you might be trapped in a toxic relationship. Though some arguments might be entwined with the past, the habit of constantly digging up past mistakes is NOT healthy.

Being in a healthy relationship means accepting everything about that person, and that includes their past mistakes. If you or your partner find this impossible, this relationship might not be right for you.

9 – They Strip Away Your Self Esteem

Your partner is supposed to lift you up and make you feel better about yourself. If you’re feeling the complete opposite, and spend your days questioning your self-worth, that’s a sign of a toxic relationship.

Toxic people love to criticize others and their choices. They thrive when you are down. It gives them a sense of power in the relationship when they make you feel like the lesser person.No matter what, your sole purpose shouldn’t be to please someone else. Your partner should respect and appreciate you for who you are.

10 – Name-Calling

It can be really sweet and kind when your partner refers to you in terms of endearment. Now, if they start to call you mean or nasty words that hurt you, that’s incredibly toxic behavior you could do without.

And if, in turn, you begin to respond to their comments with explicit language, that’s a sign that they’re pulling you down to their level. You should never have to sink so low or experience such degradation.

11 – You’re Always the One Going Back

Do you frequently break up and get back together? That’s a sign of a toxic relationship. If you’re always the one that has to do the hard work of apologizing, even when you did nothing wrong, you need to step back and think about what’s really going on.

Too many times, you miss the ideal version of the person you made up in your head. You were blind to the many flaws that broke off your relationship in the first place. Try to see your partner as they really are, and evaluate whether you truly want to be with that type of person.

The take home

Though these signs are more subtle and easy to ignore, they’re arguably just as important as the obvious ones. Unfortunately, love and happiness don’t always go together.

By paying close attention to the signs around you, it will be easier for you to predict where a relationship is headed, so you can end it before it’s too late. And while every relationship requires some sacrifices, you shouldn’t have to compromise your self-respect, self-esteem, and happiness.

Of course, no relationship is 100% perfect, and you’ll inevitably run into some challenges. But that doesn’t make it OK for someone to manipulate you or treat you like crap.

Written by Interesting Psychology Team

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