7 – There’s No Trust, On One Side or Both
Trust is the foundation of a strong relationship. If either of you feels like you can’t trust the other, then the relationship won’t work. Of course, in the beginning, it’s normal to feel a bit jealous or insecure.
But over time, you should have built up a healthy amount of trust – so that you aren’t constantly worrying about what your partner is doing when you’re not together. If they constantly interrogate you about things, that’s a sign they don’t trust you. And that should make you question your relationship.
8 – You Stay Only Because You’ve Invested A Lot In The Relationship
If you frequently think of breaking up and don’t have a good reason for staying, you could be settling for less than you deserve. Having been with someone for a long time is not a reason to stay together.
Yes, it sucks when you’ve invested a lot of time and effort in a relationship and it doesn’t work out. Your biological clock might be ticking, and you think that if you don’t make it work with this person, you might not meet the arbitrary societal standards of when you should have kids or get married. But this is no reason to stay in an unfulfilling relationship.
9 – Your Partner Is Abusive
Abuse is not okay whether physical, mental, or emotional. You shouldn’t be mistreated in any capacity – especially by someone who supposedly cares about you.
If your partner talks down to you, calls you names, or makes you feel worthless, then it’s time to get out.
While it can be challenging to break away from an abuser since they often use fear to control you, it’s even more dangerous to stay, because things are likely to worsen.
10 – No One Supports Your Relationship
Everyone has an opinion about everything, and when that comes to your relationship, it typically doesn’t matter. If there are one or two people who aren’t thrilled about your relationship, it might not be that big of a deal.
However, when everyone in your life, including friends and family, has concerns, it might be worth considering their thoughts.
11 – The Resentment Between You Never Seems to Go Away
Resentment in any relationship, romantic or otherwise, can be heavy and take a toll on you if not addressed.
You could be irritated with your partner’s annoying little habits, or perhaps you’re holding on to a grudge from long ago – that they don’t even know still bothers you. Or it may be the other way around, and they could be frequently annoyed with you.
Resentment could indicate that your relationship needs an evaluation to see if the issue is something you can move past, or if it’s something more significant that you won’t be able to resolve.
12 – You’re Just Not Happy Anymore
It may seem like it goes without saying, but if you’re unhappy in a relationship, it might be time to end it. Except, it’s not always that simple. Whether you’re in denial or making excuses about why you’re unhappy, you have to face the truth at some point.
If you and your partner can’t mend your relationship, then you’re better off breaking up rather than dragging it out. If you’re in a relationship and any of these signs resonate with you, take some time to introspect and see if it’s worth fighting for, or if it’s time to let go.
What do you think? Did any of these raise some red flags for you? Share your thoughts and comments below.