
Get Rid Of Depression And Anxiety With Positive Thinking


Get Rid Of Depression And Anxiety and be the person you would like to be

Among the effective ways of getting rid of depression and anxiety is Start thinking positively. That means think well, not sick. The way we think about ourselves controls what we are: if you have attractive thoughts about yourself, you will be an attractive person to yourself and others; if you like yourself, others will like you. The messages about yourself that you feed to your mind make you what you are. They also strongly influence how others see you.

When you are depressed or in a state of anxiety (remember that we all are sometimes depressed or anxious) see yourself as in that state only temporarily, and remember that you are already on your way out of it. Feelings of depression and anxiety are tunnels that are part of our lives. Remember, as soon as you have entered the tunnel, you are on your way out of it. There is light at the other end. Think positively!

Negative thinking: Depression And Anxiety

Depressed and highly anxious people tend to think negatively. The question is whether they think negatively because they are depressed and anxious, or whether they are anxious or depressed because they think negatively. I do not believe that negative thinking is the whole cause of depression and anxiety, but it is a major factor in contributing and keeping us anxious and depressed. Consistent negative thinking has a devastating effect on
how we feel and on how we appear to other people.

In almost any situation we can choose to work for or against ourselves. You are what you think yourself to be, and others tend to see you as they perceive you to be seeing yourself. That is why it is so important to think positively. Be what you want to be. Know your strengths, accept and compensate for your weaknesses, and practise being confident.

The problem is that many of us, when we are anxious and depressed, do not realise that our thinking is negative. Only when we are starting to lift ourselves out of Depression And Anxiety , and see things in better perspective, can we recognise how negatively we have been thinking. During depression And Anxiety we drift along, barely aware of ourselves as people. The solution is to pick ourselves up and take charge.


Positive and negative thinking

Make a conscious effort to feed positive messages to your mind. Just as your body responds positively to correct feeding, so your long-term results of overindulging in a diet without nutritional value, yet many people feed themselves a diet of negative, self-defeating thoughts for years then wonder why they tend to feel anxious, depressed, inadequate or unsuccessful. It makes sense that we can only be what we think we are.

What makes it possible for us to take charge of our thinking is that although human beings can think only one thought at a time, we are able to switch thoughts so rapidly that it seems as though we are thinking many things at once. Every thought is accompanied by an emotion—at any given moment we can have either a positive or a negative thought in mind, but we cannot have both together.

Written by Interesting Psychology Team

Im creative but I own though and writing different in the world so i am unique

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