6. The Coochie Conquering Cheater

The only reason this type of guy gets into committed relationships is because he thinks it’s the only way he can get a woman to have sex with him. He is intrigued by the thrill of the hunting process and of getting a sexual commitment from a woman. Once a woman finally gives in, he is no longer interested. He has conquered her coochie, and he is ready to move on.
But this guy has made so many commitments, and gone to such extravagant lengths in order to get the coochie, that now that he has finally gotten his payoff, he finds that he can’t just jet out so quickly.
The coochie conqueror is a master deceiver and he will sell a dream to a woman with a straight face—all for the poontang. Then he will go on to other conquests, and still date his main woman, until he comes up with another lie or scheme to wiggle his way out of the relationship.
7. The deflecting Guilt Cheater

This type of guy is in a relationship or marriage that he feels isn’t bad enough to break off, but it isn’t good enough to stay in either. And if he were to break the relationship off, he would feel a tremendous sense of guilt. So he becomes blatant with his cheating, in hopes that his main lady will find out, and decide to break up with him.
Another type of guilt deflecting cheater is a guy who has a decent woman at home, but he wants to get some extra poon on the side anyway. He feels guilty about his desires, so he will find any little thing about his woman that he can nitpick or complain about. He does this because he is looking for justification to go out and cheat. And if he can find some little thing that his woman has done “wrong,” he doesn’t feel as guilty when he goes out and commits his own wrongs.
8. The Take-Out Order Cheater

This guy is in a relationship where the woman uses sex as a bargaining chip. When the wife or girlfriend tries to deprive him of sex in order to manipulate him, he simply goes out and gets sex elsewhere.
He doesn’t cheat to make a statement or to prove any kind of point. He cheats because he still needs his sexual needs met. These guys think like this: if there is no food in the
house, a man isn’t going to sit in the house and starve. He’s going to go out and pick up something at a drive through, fast-food place.
And he has the same mentality when it comes to sex. If the sex supply has shut down at home, his sexual desires don’t go away. So he goes out and gets “take-out order” sex from strippers, hookers, or call girls. A strip club is like a take-out food drive-through window to him: he just pulls up and places his order. “I’d like two titties and some ass please .. . and make that to go. Thank you.” He does his deed, he goes back home, and it’s back to the normal program.