There’s always a loser and a winner.
While most people would agree that assigning a winner and loser to every situation sounds like a bad idea, this is exactly what a psychopath will do. Most people with psychopathy are also documented in making mental lists of their good deeds to others for future reference.
In a romantic relationship, don’t expect a psychopathic partner to accept losing easily, and for them to even complain or argue that they lost in the first place. Things are pretty black and white inside the mind of a psychopath, and they’re not going to understand the greater lessons behind winning and losing.
Instead, the result is always going to be the most important thing in their minds. By the way, make sure to subscribe if you’ve learned something new today.
Your confidence shrinks up.
Many people that have been in abusive relationships with psychopaths have expressed the feeling that they started to lose themselves along the way. Psychopaths are dominating figures that wish to control the relationship and have the final say at all moments. Because of this, you may be feeling tired, less motivated, or even a little unsure about your thoughts or actions.
This is the result of having your voice taken away, and not just a sign that you have a psychopathic partner, but also that you’re in a toxic relationship too. Because your confidence shrinks up, you will become increasingly easier to control, which is exactly what the psychopath wants. They also may try to push you away from your friends and even family members if they feel like it will help them maintain a position of power over you.
The best advice here is to maintain a strong support system that will be able to get you away from psychopaths who seek to suck the power from you.
They “love bomb”.
Love bombing is a term coined by Maddy Anholt, author of multiple books around with psychopaths in toxic relationships. The term basically means that psychopaths will promise big things and give you a very rewarding relationship right off the bat.
This may sound great, but is only a part of their act, and will be dropped once they feel like they’ve done enough to earn your trust and love. Maddy warns that although love bombing can feel good, you can spot it by how hollow and you-centric it is.
It may feel good to have someone you’re attracted to shower you with love and affection, but if they aren’t doing anything to get that put back on themselves, then it probably isn’t real at all. Psychopaths are the greatest actors on the planet, in no small part because they are acting with friends and family every day.
They prey on people’s desire to be taken care of and loved, but Maddy warns them to be certain that they are doing it for the right reasons before letting an overly cheerful person into your life.