They talk about being attracted to your “kindness”.
Psychopaths don’t just choose the people they want to pursue randomly, and if you have been chosen, there might be a reason. Psychopaths are attracted to kind and genuine people, which is dangerous because they offer neither of those traits in return. Psychopaths are excited by attention, and so these people will give them the proper amount of care and respect for presents, and also be there for the psychopath if they need support.
This establishes a relationship where the psychopath is free to copy their partner’s emotions and build up the partner into feeling like they have a really sweet and sincere relationship. Once the psychopath grows bored, though, they will lose interest and drop their partner without much care, causing a tremendous amount of heartache in the process.
If you are a person who considers themselves kind or empathetic to others, then you should be cautious since those are things that psychopaths seem to latch onto.
They compliment you in backhanded ways.
Your partner saying “you look so much prettier without makeup” or something of that nature could be more than just an annoying opinion. Some people, particularly men, will find ways to insult you while maintaining a positive surface demeanor.
This practice is called negging, or gaslighting, and is a common tool used by the manipulator. If you feel like the compliments you’re getting just cause more harm than good, this very well could be going on with you.
With psychopaths and gaslighters, what they are saying is almost never what they are actually trying to say, and it can become truly difficult to separate reality from the lies your partner is telling you.
They don’t deal with rejection well.
Unfortunately, rejection is a part of life. Be it romantically, at their workplace, or anywhere, someone is bound to say no along the way. Most of us know how to handle rejection without it further embarrassing ourselves or forcing ourselves to linger on the pain any longer than necessary, but psychopathic people are not so lucky.
Psychopaths are really bad at dealing with rejection, and it may even seem like you’re dating a crazy person at that moment. This is because psychopaths put most of their confidence in the fact that they are well-liked, and so when they are met with the realization that maybe things aren’t quite as good as they appear, they explode.
Psychopaths will blame others, lash out, and pout all while denying that anything upset them in the first place. As funny as it may be to see a person who hurt you get their just desserts, this trait may pose issues for you as well.
Psychopaths usually do not handle break-ups well either, and often will villainize their partners in an effort to distance blame away from themselves. Always be aware that if you are able to identify a psychopath while dating them that getting out of the relationship can be extremely taxing, too.